Carolyn wanted a second family picture taken because she wasn't happy with the less formal beach ones. So we got all dolled up and took some more. My children were terrible. Raegan would NOT do what she was told. And Weston was his usual self and cried the whole time. My apologies to the rest of the family. But hopefully there was at least one that was satisfactory. We shot in two different places.

I tried to zoom in on us in this one. I guess I need the full resolution images.
She was not instructed to lay on me.... she just slowly sunk lower and lower toward the bench. (pulling my shirt down with her, I might add)
Sure..... now you want to look at the camera.I tried to get her to put her arm around Weston. No.
And now let's clap for me because I am so disobedient. Yay!