Here is my darling baby boy. He was just too tired. Update on Weston.... he is nearly 6 months, he can sit up by himself, but frequently topples over. He wants to crawl really bad.
Over Thanksgiving we were able to drive over to Escondido for my Grandma's funeral. Here is a picture of the kiddos with Uncle Ryan.
Michael decided to take a break in the mother's lounge during the funeral. He pretended Weston was the excuse, but how could this angel boy be any trouble?
Please disregard the fatty on the right.
There is no place Weston is happier than in his swing. He could seriously stay out there all day.
Raegan decided to puke up all of her morning cereal. At least it wasn't really digested. :)
I miss you and your hilarious sense of humor. So much.