Before I get too far ahead of myself, I should finish up with Halloween. These are the pics from my phone.
Ward Halloween party/chili cook off.
Halloween jammies with grandma.
Post trick or treat candy evaluation. She done good. Mommy ate most of it.
Heading out for our trick or treat adventure. We only did our three little streets here. I know there are some really cool places to go, like Val Vista Lakes, and while I would love to take the kids there, I also want to support our neighborhood. If people keep going elsewhere then eventually no one will come here at all. Plus it's a great way to reconnect with neighbors.
Rewind. The week before Halloween my parents came to town. My mom brought my dad as a surprise birthday present. We had a party for him here with all his old friends. Then my mom surprised him with tickets to Disneyland. We were lucky enough to be able to go and my mom paid for the tickets!
She sure loves her Papa
Outside the gates to Disneyland. Why couldn't I manage to get the sign in there?It's McQueen! Raegan loves Cars and was super excited to see Lightning McQueen in person. Sadly she was too short to go on the McQueen ride. She would have loved it. It was a really fun ride.
Super cute the way they captured Radiator Springs so perfectly.
The winner of the favorite ride award goes to Dumbo of course! Weston had about the same reaction to every ride except one ride in Bug's Life land in CA adventure. He LOVED it and beamed the whole time he rode it. We rode it multiple times. But Reagan only had eyes for Dumbo. Close seconds were the Carousel and the roller coaster in Mickey's Toon Town. She LOVED that roller coaster. She did NOT like any ride that went indoors, whether it was a "scary" ride or not. All those little ones like Peter Pan, she did not like at all.
Raegan is a big fan of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. So she really enjoyed Toon Town. Weston was extremely uncooperative when it came to taking pictures. Trust me, we tried.
Michael's brother Tyler has a year pass so he met up with us for a couple hours on both days. The kids of course loved seeing him and so did we.
Loved seeing Mickey in his house. There was no one in line to see him.
Matterhorn Fun Fact: They recently redid the tobogan seats for the ride. I thought I would give it a try because I normally don't ride the Matterhorn because it is so jerky it just isn't fun. So I tried it. Still not fun. FYI.
We probably waited in line the longest for this ride. The stupid train that goes around the park. We waited about 20 minutes, but then the train was already too full so we had to wait for it to come around again, which took another 20 minutes. The kids were not fond of standing around.
But when we finally got to sit down it was oh so nice!
Weston was uber excited about the orderliness of this candy display. He's never wanted to destroy anything more.
Moving around a cone in the McDonalds. Also a highlight of the trip.
The kids did better than I had hoped. We took them home for naps everyday. It was good times. Thanks again to my parents for letting us tag along. Probably won't be doing Disneyland again for a few years. I decided I want my kids to be older so they enjoy it more and we don't have to take a three hour chunk out of our day for naps.