Friday, July 13, 2012

I am not entirely sure when or by whom some of these pictures were taken. I know Tyler took most of them? At any rate, they somehow ended up in iPhoto and thus onto my blog. In light of the fact that I am entirely horrible at blogging and Weston's birthday is in exactly one week (!) I will provide some Weston fun facts for your entertainment. 

Weston feels like he weighs a billion pounds, but I think realistically it is somewhere around the 23 pound mark. (If you're lucky I will provide more accurate info after his 1 yr checkup.) He walks primarily. He still has the frankenstein arms, but he does not like crawling and rarely does it. He has just started "dancing". He has six teeth on top and still only two on bottom. He is still high maintenance and whiny, but he is definitely getting better. He loves being outside, regardless of how hot it is, and he makes the most of his outside time by getting as dirty as possible. He loves only grownup food and throws a fit when I try to force him to eat any kind of baby food. Sleep = like a champ. 

It has been an interesting and challenging year since this baby/little man has joined our lives. But look at that face! He is seriously so cute which is probably why I haven't killed him yet. Raegan loves him and especially loves taking things away from him and monitoring his every move so she can shout: NO BABY! DON'T DO THAT! (Raegan says most things in a shout.) 

So the question on everyone's lips (I'm sure): When can we expect baby #3??? Not for a while folks! I think I'm just going to start enjoying this again once Weston starts taking only one nap in the afternoon at the same time as Raegan. Let freedom ring! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, can't believe our babies are almost one! And for the record, my 3 year old is 24 pounds, haha! I don't know what Addison is, but probably around 14 pounds or so.

    The only way I survive motherhood is getting my kids to take a nap together in the afternoon....I don't think I could make it until bedtime without that break!
