Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mother's Day

I was just looking at these pictures that Carolyn was thoughtful enough to take on Mother's Day, when suddenly I realized.... I have TWO children! The realization just smacked me over the head. I'm like a real mom with a gaggle of children. That's one to hang on each arm, or leg. When it's just one kid you can get away with the newly wed/new mom persona. Not with two. What I'm saying, I suppose,  is that I feel really old. Remember your own mom when you were little? She was probably my age! My mom has always seemed so old to me, but she was really just about my age. That means that my kids see me as I saw my mom. Get it? I'm old!!!!! And I have a family! It's too weird for words. My only consolation is that someday my children will be my age and they will realize I wasn't as old as they always perceived me to be.

That whole load of jibberish said, here are the pictures. They are the same except obviously (per usual) the kids decide to look good never at the same time. I need Michael to do some face swaps for me.

PS- My fingernails are sea foam green thanks to Activity Days. Good Times.


  1. I certainly HOPE you're not old!!!

  2. I'd had the same thoughts as you. Sometimes I can't believe have have two kids because I don't really know what I'm doing...but my mom probably felt much the same way when she was my age.

  3. I know what you mean! I feel waaayyyy older than I should because of my 4 rugrats!
