Wednesday, September 12, 2012


After our trip to California we came home to Michael's passport waiting in the mail. We had been waiting for it forever and we didn't want to make international plans till we knew we had it. So we got it on a Wednesday and booked our flight the next day and left on Saturday. Craziness. We flew from Mesa Gateway airport to Bellingham WA, which is just a half hour or so from the Canadian border. The kids surprisingly did ok on the flight and drive. Lots of movies. We went to Canada with my Uncle's family. It wouldn't be much fun just by ourselves. My grandparents bought this house about 14 years ago and I have gone there many summers since. They have a great house with a huge backyard and this long sloping lawn that goes straight into the lake with their own dock and boat. The kids (and Michael and I) were in heaven. It was gorgeous weather. The first night we got there they set off tons of fireworks for Canada day. (They had to reschedule the fireworks because of flooding.)

Raegan loved jumping off the dock

And jumping on the water trampoline (Seriously there were a billion pictures of her on that thing)

 Here are four of the five handsome cousins. The oldest is 23 and youngest is 14. They were so much fun to be up there with and Raegan had crushes on all of them. They were all so sweet to her and spent lots of time entertaining her. 
 They brought their two dogs, Pippin and Koda, which Raegan calls Piffin and Carl. Not sure why.
 Sitting at the front of the boat. My favorite spot.
 Tubing. Raegan loved tubing. She hasn't yet developed a healthy fear of being flipped out at high speeds. I am terrified of tubing. 

 Our family game is Pinnochle. Everyone plays it. 

 At the farmers market. Yes he is still in jammies.
 Petting zoo. Good times. Raegan loved all the animals.
 Did I really let her touch that fence? Eww. That's a chicken coop.

 There were four of us and four of them. Perfect!

 Loving the bunny with uncle Mark
 Here's Michael swabbing the dock. Those geese are super poopy. We couldn't chase them away frequently enough.

 Reading with Aunt Lisle
 Mowing the lawn. (That thing takes a lot of mowing) And yes she is in her jammies.

 I love her running up the hill. She's working really hard. It's a big hill.
 A short walk down the road was a little market with delicious ice-cream. We went there maybe every day.
 Reagan LOVED walking Koda. He was the perfect size for her. Poor dog got yanked around a lot. 
 Tradition calls for a day of the giant slip n slide. It's good times, except Raegan doesn't have enough wait to get her very far. She needed lots of help. 

 I love how she is looking at Dallin with adoration. 

 Bonfire night. Lots of yummy smores. The sun didn't set till like 9:00 so it was WAY past bedtime. 

 Glamour Shot
 Of all her "cousin crushes" she had the biggest crush on Cameron. He just got his mission call to Argentina. 
 And here's the view from the back patio. Notice the geese? 
It was a fantastic trip. Not sure when we will make it back. Now that Michael has a real job our vacation days are limited. Sad face. I love you Canada!

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