Weston was blessed on the first Sunday in September, along with THREE other babies (all girls). It was crowded, but really nice. We appreciated everyone who came out to support us. I'm especially grateful to my parents for flying to AZ for less than 24 hours just for the blessing. I really feel so grateful for such great friends and family (not all of whom could be there of course). They (you) are what life is all about.
Here is my adorable husband and two children that I love.
Carolyn took some cute photos of Weston (a few weeks later) in his blessing outfit. The outfit was super special because Michael was blessed in this outfit when he was a baby. Can you believe it? Carolyn has kept it in pristine condition in a cedar chest all these years. Love the shoes, love everything.
In other news... he turned two months a week ago and he weighs 12 lb 14 oz and is 24 in long. That is 85% for height, 75% for weight. I love love love him. I can honestly say now that I love him as much as Raegan, which I honestly couldn't say at first. He is still waking up to eat once in the night, but what are ya gonna do? I love him anyway. :)